
Thursday, May 29, 2014


I am a hoarder.

Of fortune cookie tellers and Yogi tea tags.

Does anyone else share this problem with me?

I only hold on to those I find humorous or inspirational, but after there's a stack of 'em on the fridge, or on the counter, I realize two things:
                 1. I eat far too much Chinese take out
                 2. I do not drink enough tea, but spend too much money on Yogi tea

Who needs discipline when you have creativity? Am I right?

Instead of cutting down on Chinese food and Yogi tea splurges, I find it helpful to justify my irrational behavior by making these teensy useless papers necessary for everyday life.

My solution is a fortune cookie / Yogi tea tag collage board. It's just a cool way to get all these paper friends together and make a party of their presence. I like orderly art, so I used a picture frame I had with multiple windows. As matte under the fortune cookie tellers and tea tags, I used pretty cards I saved (hoard) from birthdays, etc..

ONE: Select frame and separate glass from base

TWO: Use marker (Sharpie is best) to trace frames.

THREE: Cut matte to size and glue. Allow to set and dry and glue fortunes / tags to matte.

I was lazy here and after all that tracing decided to glue their entire base surface. This was a FAIL!

The glass shattered as I was reassembling the frame because the card stock was too thick between the frame and glass.

Therefore, I recommend cutting the matte to size the glass frame.
FOUR: Glue fortune tellers and tags. Allow glue to set and dry. Reassemble frame.
FIVE: Hang and admire.

This didn't come out as pretty as I hoped, but I still like the idea.

Another idea is to take your collection and put them in a bowl on your coffee table and let guests pick them as a fun accompaniment with dessert, or invent a game with them.

There is no wrong or right thing to do with these. However you use them, it is a great way to brighten a room and add some thoughtfulness to your day.

Happy Creating!

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