Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Alternative Uses for a Quilt Rack

The most difficult inconvenience that comes from living in our rented apartment is refraining from putting holes in the walls. 

In our place the only way things get hung is a) with a thumbtack and b) if there is a hole already in the wall. I bought two new shelving units and can't even hang them! It's so frustrating! 

Instead of covering up the damage when we move out, I think it is easier to come up with solutions around hanging. 

Easier said than done.

I have stuff lying around and I can't take it anymore. My solution - at least for one room - is an antique quilt rack gifted to me by a dear friend.

This up cycle demonstrates how to use these handy contraptions for the following:

1. Hold bottles by hanging nozzles or balancing against center and top rungs
2. Balance boxes and baskets on bottom rungs
3. Hang your scarves and hats
4. Add hangers for secondary closet space
5. Hang your jewelry
6. Create extra shelving for books, artwork, and pictures

I'm sure you have heard of ladder shelving. Well, quilt shelving will soon be the trend to follow!

You've seen it here first, now let's get crackin'.
Grab your grandma's quilt rack and find shelf stabilizers. I used empty picture frames and turned them upside down. Don't have any? Try shoebox tops, books, binders, notepads, or even cardboard.

Place them according to your display preference. I placed mine sporadically. You can line a whole shelf if you want.

Put your picture or artwork on the frame.

Repeat until you finally like what you see. It took me a good five tries.


That settles it. Nails aren't necessary for heightened organization after all. 

Hope this gets your creative juices flowing!  Think of me when you see "Quilt Shelving" on Pinterest! ;)

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